chalets au Val d'Hérens dans les alpes suisses

How it all started: The story behind the creation of our coliving in the swiss alps

Here is what happened since we decided to create our own coliving space in the swiss alps till we bought a former hotel at the end of Val d’Hérens

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Almost 2 years have passed since we started working on the project to the moment we bought an old hotel at the end of Val d’Hérens in the swiss Alps. And we can honestly tell you it hasn’t been an easy ride to reach this first important step of creating our own coliving.

From taking the decision, finding a suitable property in Switzerland (with our “small” budget) to finding financial support and partners… we had a lot of ups and downs along the way. If you want to know more about our motivations to open a coliving in a remote mountain village and the difficulties we encountered so far, we wrote a long blog post detailing the whole process on our travel blog. Just click on the link below to read it 😉

how we bought a former hotel to create our coliving space

It sure wasn’t an easy start but we are super excited to finally get our hands dirty! Now we are looking forward to moving in and getting started with the renovations. The old hotel we just bought is functional but it needs some love to create a welcoming home in the mountains for remote workers from around the world. But that’s another story that we’ll be sharing with you soon.

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