Val d’Hérens is an incredible playground for the nature lover that we are. The hiking possibilities are almost infinite and many itineraries actually start right in front of our door. In the next few months we’ll probably post many hikes on the coliving blog and today we are kicking things off with a classical itinerary from our region: The hike to the Lac d’Arbey.
Lac d’Arbey (or Arbey lake) is actually more a pond than a lake 😉 . But it’s quite famous in the region for the perfect picture you can make of the Dent-Blanche mirroring in the water. It’s located above the village of Evolène and it’s a really nice / easy hike you can do with breathtaking landscapes:

There are two options to do this hike:
- The short version starting from the village of Evolène: around 6 kms and 450m elevation change (2-3 hours)
- A longer version starting from the coliving in Les Haudères: 13 kms and about 550m elevation change (4-5 hours)
You can see a detailed map of the hike below (in red the short version and in blue the longer one):
If you want more detailed infos about this hike, just check out our post on our travel blog. You’ll find more pictures and informations… But don’t worry, it’s hard to get lost in Switzerland as the trails are very well marked 😉